Here you can find the rules and protocols during the Corona crisis for training sessions, sports and activities at U.S.S.V. Softijs. You need to follow these rules to join our activities. Before you can join a training or activity, you have to sign up for this specific activity on the website. You will also need to accept the protocol there on the website page of the activity.
The board from U.S.S.V. Softijs has the right to remove persons from activities or training sessions when the rules made by RIVM, the government and U.S.S.V. Softijs have been broken.
U.S.S.V. Softijs is not responsable if you do not follow the rules.
When the maximum of participants is achieved via the sign-up form on the website, the members who sign up later will receive an email that they cannot come to the activity or training.
For protocols and information in English, we would like to send you to the website of the Government with the latest corona updates of the website of RIVM with the protocol in English.
If you have any questions left, please contact the board via!